Mario Easter Eggs - Super Mario Bros.

 Hey there! I'm sure that if you've read one of our previous posts (Google Easter Eggs: Super Mario Bros.), you must have come across a Mario Easter Egg Hidden within Google. Well here's another pleasant surprise. This revolutionizing game also has a few Easter Egg hidden up its sleeve, as for us we have rolled down its sleeve, revealing its hidden surprises.

What About Mario ?

For those of you who are unaware of the fact, Mario has been one of the worlds highest grossing games and also enjoyed the spotlight for a couple of its early years until it was replaced by 'Minecraft'. The company has produced a whooping  200+ games covering every agenda and switch possible( List of Mario Games). However, it is virtually beyond a persons capability to raid and bust out all the Easter Eggs in the whole of the gaming series. Hence we will specifically be focusing upon one of its most successful  and prominent games, 'Super Mario Bros.'  

What are these Easter Eggs ?

Although one of the companies biggest games 'Super Mario Bros' it consists of only two approved Easter Eggs. Both these Easter Egg activate on the 'A' button commands. Therefore it is preferable that you use a Switch or a Console. It can be still activated on a PC but certainly not on any mobile device.

1] Unlock Unlimited lives

This Egg has the code base similar to that of the 'Konami code'. When on the main title screen  hold the 'A' button until the chime sound comes. This time varies from device to gadget and will always be longer than 5 seconds. After activation you will get a life every time you die. Once you've reached the max amount of 120 lives you will not lose or gain any more lives further into the game.

2] Mario drawing song

The Mario Drawing song was a song developed by Nintendo that was a rhyme for children on how to draw Mario (Mario Drawing Song). Hold down the 'A' button for precisely 5 seconds and you can see a different screen pop up. like this -

The song will play teaching you how to draw the classical plumber. Press 'A' again to go back to the title screen and procced with your game.
These were just Easter Eggs from the specific "Super Mario Bros. game". For added Easter Eggs on the Mario series and more such content stay tuned to the blog. If you you liked the content please do follow.
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