Among Us - Easter Eggs (Part 2)
Hey there everyone! Welcome back and thank you for sticking around until part Two. Previously you were introduced to the first Category which were references to several other movies and games. Now let us began with part 2.
The second category consists of Easter Eggs From the Polus Map. Since the debut of this game The Polus map has harbored the most number of Easter eggs, sadly many of them are currently in-active or removed. Now that we're on the same page let's begin.
1] QR Code - Office; Polus Map
Everyone who has played the games is surely aware of the id scan you have to do as a part of your task when playing a crewmate. How many of you have wondered what is encrypted in the QR or does it even mean anything. Well turns out it does mean something after all. When scanning the QR code with either a mobile scanner or any other scanner you will receive a decoded message saying -
"Yo Holmes, smell you later."
Everyone who owns a PC is aware of the basic default screensaver feature of the DVD icon hovering within the screen. When in Admin you will come across the very same screen saver on an in-active computer in the room.
3] Christmas hats - Lobby
This Easter Egg is relatively older in comparison the others. Everyone loves to customize in the lobby while waiting for the game to begin. How many of you knew that on Christmas day you get an extra accessory item, 'The Santa Hat'. Although this Egg is self activated on Christmas day, you can access this any time by just changing the date in the game to 25th of December.
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