Google Easter Eggs - Rick & Morty: wubba lubba dub dub

 Hello and welcome back! Lately many of our posts have been aimed toward Video game based Easter Eggs, and its been a while since Google got its turn. Well, today our topic is rather distinct and points towards a reference egg from a popular and sought after TV show, 'Rick and Morty'. Enjoy!

Let me brief you a little about this show.

Airing since 2013, Rick  is a mad, eccentric scientist who drags his grandson Morty into crazy sci-fi adventures. Their escapades often have potentially harmful consequences' leading to  chaos, creating the perfect  aura of insanity which evidently makes this series what it is today.  

Rick Sanchez ~

The leading protagonist Rick Sanchez a.k.a Grandpa Rick is a wise fool, who is senile with age and completely bonkers to the core, watch the show and you'll know what I mean. He is greatly narcissistic and can easily be influenced, he has multiple queer obsession's, for instance he feels its necessary to for him to have a engrossing catchphrase and subsequently endorsed  the words "wubba lubba dub dub" as his new catchphrase. 

The Easter Egg :

Everyone considered Grandpa Ricks catchphrase to be gibberish, but further into the show we get to know that Ricks gibberish had some literal sense to it. Evidently 'wubba lubba dub dub' loosely translates to 'I'm in great pain, please help me' in an alien tongue. 

The same follows for Google. Search for 'wubba lubba dub dub' and Google will come back to you with a similar response, you can see that the 'did you mean' section will display the exact translation. 

This Easter Egg comes under the "Did you mean" category, as in the egg is present below the search box where googles rectification program takes place which is called as 'Did you mean'.

Here we come to the end of the post, and I have some exciting news to announce to you readers, We have officially launched our own YouTube Channel which is based on Easter Eggs. It is sure to give you a greater depth and perspective about Easter Eggs and will contribute to our aim of spreading knowledge about Easter Egg to the Greater masses.

YouTube: 'The Hunter Archive' visit the link to view our YouTube Channel.
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