FORNITE Easter Eggs (Part 1)

Hello and welcome back ! As promised to some of you we have come up with a fresh batch of Easter Eggs from none other than 'Fortnite' itself. The developer's at Fortnite are no strangers when it comes to hiding Easter Eggs, and this post, we will be revealing its intriguing surprises. Enjoy!

Easter Eggs?, In Fortnite? 

Formerly, when it came to Easter Eggs, Fortnite didn't have much to swagger about. But ever since its latest update "Chapter 2 - Season 7" Gunter's have been ransacking the map. In only a couple weeks time the amount of Easter Eggs that have been unearthed from a single update has put other mainstream games to shame. Also since the ban of other shooter based games the number of player per capita has drastically increased for Epic games.  In this post we will be revealing the Easter Eggs specifically from season 7.

1] Thor & Loki reference

Apart from the new trademark page, the new season also has another page, and consists of two surprisingly familiar characters, Thor and Loki. Evidently their silhouettes can be seen in the depth of the background.


Other than this there is no other sign of the two Asgardians, well but it is a clear refrences and shows signs of their involvement in the game in the future, after all the new season is alien themed.

2] Rick & Morty Easter Eggs

Another big reference that has caused a lot of speculation. The cartoon TV show ' Rick and Morty' has made a grand Entry in the land of Fortnite. So before every one goes wubba lubba dub dub let me escort you around.

l] The Rick Dance

Grandpa Rick saved a boring party on the spot by creating the rick dance, now players can enjoy this fabulous dance routine as an emote. Although, Morty doesn't appreciate this dance hopefully your teammates will. 

ll] Character Equipment: Rick Sanchez

It is quite obvious that with all the refrences you would find Rick himself as player in the game, there is still little bit of a vex going between its status, whether its an Easter Egg or not, although now it is classified as an egg. On page 10 of the new battle pass you can see his character, Which surprisingly is still is a cartoon animation. 

3] Superman

Fortnite has really upped its game at this point. Even in the teaser you can see Clark Kent in disguise. If you're wondering so then yes, Superman is a playable character in the game and one of the most intriguing ones so far. 

Clip From the Teaser

Another interesting aspect is superman's new suit , 'Shadow Superman' now available with the character, and is on the battle pass. 

Clark Kent(Shadow)

Here we come to an end of the Easter Egg of season 7 of chapter 2, and now you're aware of the best lot in Fortnite, hold up for part 2 of Fortnite Easter Eggs covering a vast range of Eggs from other seasons of Fortnite. Stay tuned for more, and if you liked the content pleases do follow.
Signing off !!


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