Deactivated Easter Eggs - The Funniest Joke in the World (Google Translate)
Google Translate has had many Easter Eggs over the years, several of them deactivated, several of them pure misconceptions and many more. This, time, we thought of starting a new, series, namely 'Deactivated Easter Eggs'. This series will focus un Easter Eggs that have been deactivated and no longer work.
So, what was the Easter Egg?
What is your reaction when you hear nonsense, your brain just doesn't comprehend right? Well, that was exactly the situation when you would translate "Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!" from German to English and you would get the translation as "[FATAL ERROR]".
This is the only original, first-hand screenshot of this Easter Egg that we have at present, so there isn't much that we can show.
We started this series to make sure that even to old, deactivated and non-usable Easter Eggs get some recognition. As we continue to document Easter Eggs, new and old, make sure to stay tuned.
Happy Hunting!
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