Python Easter Eggs (Part 1)

Since the invention of computers, the IT Industry has been booming with new discoveries, techniques and inventions. All this has been possible newer and more advanced ways of programming. As one of the most famous programming languages of all time, ever the developers of Python couldn't help but add Easter Eggs to the language!

1] import antigravity

If you use the 'import antigravity' statement in Python, you are bound to laugh for hours on end. Importing the 'antigravity' module into Python will try to open a webpage of the xkcd comic. You'll have a stomach ache trying not to laugh at this one.

2] import __hello__

Most programmers start their journey by the "Hello World" command. In Python, the command would usually be - print("Hello World!") - but if you want to do it in another way, import the  - "__hello__" module - and see the results!

3] from __future__ import braces

A legendary feature of Python is the fact that it never uses curly brackets for anything. This Easter Egg is a proof that curly brackets will never enter the domain of Python.
These Easter Eggs are unique in their own way for the thought that went in making them and the overall idea in general. As we hope that the tradition of adding Easter Eggs in Digital services never stops, we continue to document some of the best Easter Eggs out there for you.

Happy Hunting!


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