Mario Easter Eggs (part 2) - Super Mario Bros.

Hey there! and thank you for sticking around until the second part of Easter Eggs hidden inside the the world of Mario. In the previous part we focused upon one specific game  'Super Mario Bros.' Well, this post will be dedicated to some of the best Easter Eggs out there in the Mario Series. Enjoy!

What is special about these Easter Eggs ?

Well, unlike the previous part these Easter Eggs are pure, as in they are formulated by the developers only for the game and contain no sign of reference. Also unlike others they consist of extremely beneficial power ups and various points making them one of the most popular and sought for Easter Eggs to be ever hunted. 

1] Yoshi in Peach Castle - Super Mario 64

This version can provide hours of unending fun on the the platform, although it can get a bit of a lonely experience as Mario doesn't run into many allies . However there is one familiar character that you can run into and that is Yoshi. 'How do you het Yoshi?' well once you have collected all the star points in the game, you can shoot yourself out of a cannon in front of the castle onto the roof of the castle. Explore around a bit and you'll find Yoshi. Although he is not a playable character he will give you a message from the creator of Minecraft 'Shigeru Miyamoto'  
You will also be granted with 100 extra lives and sparkly triple jumps.

2] Secret Book in Noki Bay -  Super Mario Sunshine

The Noki Bay Book or the Secret book is an oddly placed object found in the mission Red coins in s bottle. The book is placed inside a rock formation at the bottom of a titular bottle behind a door that does not open. Glitches allow you the momentarily view the book, consequently the entire structures unclear purpose, and the appearance of being cut content has become a source of rumors and speculations. 

3] Secret World - Super Mario World

The special world is the ninth and final area in Super Mario World that can only be accessed by a secret start road in start world. The levels are located in different environments and are more difficult than usual levels. Here you will also come across Yoshi's house and the most peculiar aspect of this map is that is has its very own theme song, yes you heard me right. Instead of them classic Mario theme song this map has a totally different vibe to it.  

Here we come to an End of the Mario Series, having  regardably noted  all the best Egg that we could find that will surely make your gaming experience much more amusing. Stay tuned for more and if you liked the content please do follow.
Signing off !!


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