Google Earth Easter Eggs - Flight Simulator

Hey there! Today I come to you with probably one of the most intriguing Easter Eggs ever harbored by Google. The Easter Egg, which actually is more of an inbuilt game is hidden inside Google Earth and this post, we will be revealing the goodies inside. Enjoy!

Let me brief you about this Easter Egg

It would seem that the latest downloaded version of Google Earth has an inbuilt sky feature that includes the Easter Egg 'Flight Simulator' yes, it means what it says, this egg when activated can give you a real time, satellite based flight experience, through the virtual map of Google Earth. Let me show you how :-


To activate the simulator you'll need to download the latest version of Google Earth. Open the map click anywhere on the main map window , and press 'ctrl + Alt + A' and you should see the dialogue window pictured below open up. You can also select 'Enter Flight Simulator' item in the tools menu.

To use the flight simulator just chooses an aircraft and select an airport from the drop down list.

A new window will open giving you a cockpit view of the landscape through the chosen aircraft.

To fly it would help to have a joystick, although you can control the air craft using the keyboard. Refer the link for more info (Key board shortcuts instructions). It is speculated that it is very difficult to control the aircraft unless you adept in aircraft simulator games.

Here are a few tips for flying the aircraft:

While moving you can get a quick head start by holding 'page up' for a few seconds to increase maximum thrust. Once accelerated to sufficient velocity use arrow keys to take-off. The keys are inverted like every flight simulator . Use down arrow to gain altitude and then stabilize and fly in a straight path.  
Here we come to an end of not only this post but also to the Google Earth series, at present Google Earth does have only two registered Easter Eggs (of which the other one we documented here) but if we uncover more, you will be the first ones to know about them. Stay tuned for more such content and if you liked it please do follow.
Signing off !!


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