Google IO 2021 : Adventure Easter Egg

Google is devoted to keeping it's users entertained with the best of surprises, and the Google I/O 2021 was no different. The Google I/O 2021 was the second Google I/O ever to have a digital Easter Egg of it's own. The first was the Google I/O 2013 Easter Egg, the details of which can be viewed here. The Google I/O 2021 had only one Easter Egg, and it was found at the virtual platform at which Google I/O 2021 was hosted, called the Google I/O Adventure!

What is Google I/O Adventure? Was there any clue that pointed to it?

Google I/O 2021 was the first-ever fully-online Google I/o. Along with I/O, Google made a virtual platform that allowed users to know about the latest Google updates and services, as well as earn Google Developer Badges and earn 'swag' by locating treasure chests that are scattered all over the map.

        It was the Google I/O 'about' page that gave us a clue that there might be Easter Eggs in the game, as shown below.

What was the Easter Egg?

Most Hunters will be familiar with the Konami Code, and how to activate it. We tried it while playing the game, and the below screenshot is an example of what happened.

The screen becomes pixelated, to say the least, and upon closer inspection, we find out that the screen is an array of ASCII characters coloured to look like the surroundings. If the user hasn't used the Egg before, the user will be gifted a Swag called the Game Controller.
As we wait for the next Google I/O, we also hope that you and your families are safe and doing well. Feel free to post suggestions/comments below.

Happy Hunting!


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