Google Easter Egg Languages

 Who knew Google could speak pirate or even hacker? Well I did, for one. Google can Translate a lot for you (see the previous post more details), and it can also speak an entirely different language as well! In fact, it can speak six!

 - [1] Bork 

Pasting '' in Google will give you the following webpage in the 'bork' language.

 - [2] Elmer Fudd

Pasting '' in Google will give you the following webpage in the 'Elmer Fudd' language.

 - [3] Hacker

Pasting '' in Google will give you the following webpage in the 'hacker' language.

 - [4] Klingon

Pasting '' in Google will give you the following webpage in the 'Klingon' language.

 - [5] Pig Latin

Pasting '' in Google will give you the following webpage in the 'Pig Latin' language.

 - [6] Pirate

Pasting '' in Google will give you the following webpage in the 'Pirate' language.

If I say that "They were fun!", it will be an understatement. I had an epic time with these. When I say it, I mean it. These languages are very amusing and have their own way of keeping you entertained. If you want to keep this permanent however, you can go to your preferences and change your your main language to any of these (except Pig Latin)!

Happy Hunting!


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