Google Hangouts Easter Eggs - Stickers

When it comes to Hangouts, gunters realise real quick that it's full of Eggs. I use Hangouts for my everyday talk. Making random (and sometimes over-obsessive) observations about things that I think are Eggs. You can never get bored with these Eggs. There are just sequences of characters you might say. I disagree. Sometimes they are more than enough to express something that would take frustratingly more time to type.

                   I have been using Hangouts ever since I came across it, and it has never failed to be what it promises : A simple-to-use, Easter-Egg-filled, fun, chatting platform. I have always found the Eggs in Hangouts to be, well, different. Since I have sufficiently bored those of you who have taken the pain to read all this, let's get on the the Eggs!

1] V.v.V

For those of you who think that the above heading is is due to an error, you are in error! Typing this in the Hangouts chat makes the text manifest itself as a crab! 

2] /octodisco

Who likes the disco? I do! /octodisco will satisfy your greatest dreams of disco-ing (with an octopus) whenever you want to! 

3] /puppyparty

Puppies? Who doesn't like puppies? Especially when they are partying! 

4] /flowerbeam

Flowers + epicness gives you flowerbeam! Never found a more flower-y way to make your day!

5] /shame

Three bells! Shame, shame, shame. 

6] /lit

When something's really cool, it spreads like fire. ðŸ”¥


As Google continues to improve Hangouts, we will continue to update this blog and document some of the best Easter Eggs out there.


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