Google Hangouts Easter Eggs - Stickers
When it comes to Hangouts, gunters realise real quick that it's full of Eggs. I use Hangouts for my everyday talk. Making random (and sometimes over-obsessive) observations about things that I think are Eggs. You can never get bored with these Eggs. There are just sequences of characters you might say. I disagree. Sometimes they are more than enough to express something that would take frustratingly more time to type.
I have been using Hangouts ever since I came across it, and it has never failed to be what it promises : A simple-to-use, Easter-Egg-filled, fun, chatting platform. I have always found the Eggs in Hangouts to be, well, different. Since I have sufficiently bored those of you who have taken the pain to read all this, let's get on the the Eggs!
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