Google Hangouts Easter Eggs - Emoticons

The development team Google hides fun little Easter Eggs in almost all the company's products and services - including Google Hangouts. Here are 12 fun emoticons you can use to amuse yourself and your friends the next time you chat.

1] /dealwithit (or) /sunglasses

The perfect emoticon to be the cool guy of the moment. 😎

2] /wizard 🧙‍♂️

This is custom-made for all the Harry Potter fans out there.

3] /idk

I don't know what to write.

4] /yuno

When /dealwithit does not work.

5] /happy 😀

When you pass in algebra.

6] /shruggie (or) /shrug

When you are asked if you cut the cheese. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

7] /tableflip

When bottle flips get old.

8] /tableback

When you get scolded for fliping the table.

9] /disapprove

When you don't tip the waiter. 

10] /this & /that

What your english teacher spent 5 years teaching you.

Emoticons are an indispensable part of hangouts ( it should never be dispensed), we are currently working on the Special Category of hangouts EasterEggs, we hope you'll like it 👍.
Signing off!


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