Google Collaboratory Easter Eggs

Google Collaboratory has been helping many developers across the globe develop tools and programs for free. Since it's release in 2017, there have only been 2 Easter Eggs documented and made known to the public.

1] Kittens and Corgi

Google is a big fan of everything cute and cuddly, but it's favourites are - you guessed it - Kittens and Corgi. To activate this particular Egg, users must navigate to the top-left corner of the screen, and select the 'Tools' option. Under the 'Tools' option, they must select the 'Settings' option so as to open the settings dialog box. In the dialog box, they will encounter many Sections on the left side of the box, where the 'Miscellaneous' option must be selected whereupon the two checkboxes  - named "Corgi mode" and "Kitty mode" - should be selected and after the following is done, Kittens and Corgi start walking on your task bar.

Bonus : On Pride Month 2021 (June) selecting this feature caused the first Corgi that walked across your screen to have a rainbow-colored heart float and blink about above it.

2] Power Level

This Egg will work when you type. To access this Egg, We must navigate to the "Miscellaneous" tab in the Settings of Collab as shown in the previous Egg. Under the tab, a dropdown is seen under the name "Power Level". This dropdown shows many options out of which the options "Some power" and "Many power" will activate the Egg. Selecting any of these options will show a shower of sparks when anything is typed. It also displays a "combo" number at the bottom right.

This feature initially started off as an April Fools joke, but users liked it so much, that it made it's way into the program as a fully-fledged Easter Egg for Collab's many users to enjoy!We are sure that you can't wait to try out these Easter Eggs, just as we couldn't when we first tried them out! We hope you liked this post, and make sure to check in for more Easter Eggs! 

Happy Hunting!


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